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PhD Thesis: Local Propagation in Neural Network Learning by Architectural Constraints

6 minute read



A crucial role for the success of the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) processing scheme has been played by the feed-forward propagation of signals. The input patterns undergo a series of stacked parametrized transformations, which foster deep feature extraction and an increasing representational power. Each artificial neural network layer aggregates information from its incoming connections, projects it to another space, and immediately propagates it to the next layer.

Since its introduction in the ’80s, BackPropagation (BP) is considered to be the de facto algorithm for training neural nets. The weights associated to the connections between the network layers are updated due to the backward pass, that is a straightforward derivation of the chain rule for the computation of the derivatives in a composition of functions. This computation requires to store all the intermediate values of the process. Moreover, it implies the use of non-local information, since the activity of one neuron has the ability to affect all the subsequent units up to the last output layer.

However, learning in the human brain can be considered a continuous, life-long and gradual process in which neuron activations fire, leveraging local information, both in space, e.g neighboring neurons, and time, e.g. previous states.


PhD Thesis: Local Propagation in Neural Network Learning by Architectural Constraints

6 minute read



A crucial role for the success of the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) processing scheme has been played by the feed-forward propagation of signals. The input patterns undergo a series of stacked parametrized transformations, which foster deep feature extraction and an increasing representational power. Each artificial neural network layer aggregates information from its incoming connections, projects it to another space, and immediately propagates it to the next layer.

Since its introduction in the ’80s, BackPropagation (BP) is considered to be the de facto algorithm for training neural nets. The weights associated to the connections between the network layers are updated due to the backward pass, that is a straightforward derivation of the chain rule for the computation of the derivatives in a composition of functions. This computation requires to store all the intermediate values of the process. Moreover, it implies the use of non-local information, since the activity of one neuron has the ability to affect all the subsequent units up to the last output layer.

However, learning in the human brain can be considered a continuous, life-long and gradual process in which neuron activations fire, leveraging local information, both in space, e.g neighboring neurons, and time, e.g. previous states.

PhD Thesis

PhD Thesis: Local Propagation in Neural Network Learning by Architectural Constraints

6 minute read



A crucial role for the success of the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) processing scheme has been played by the feed-forward propagation of signals. The input patterns undergo a series of stacked parametrized transformations, which foster deep feature extraction and an increasing representational power. Each artificial neural network layer aggregates information from its incoming connections, projects it to another space, and immediately propagates it to the next layer.

Since its introduction in the ’80s, BackPropagation (BP) is considered to be the de facto algorithm for training neural nets. The weights associated to the connections between the network layers are updated due to the backward pass, that is a straightforward derivation of the chain rule for the computation of the derivatives in a composition of functions. This computation requires to store all the intermediate values of the process. Moreover, it implies the use of non-local information, since the activity of one neuron has the ability to affect all the subsequent units up to the last output layer.

However, learning in the human brain can be considered a continuous, life-long and gradual process in which neuron activations fire, leveraging local information, both in space, e.g neighboring neurons, and time, e.g. previous states.